Ichi radio Mar 1, 2006 13:17:10 GMT -5 Quote Select PostDeselect PostLink to PostBack to Top Post by Ichi radio weds 1st March on Mar 1, 2006 13:17:10 GMT -5 Onight from 7pm - 9pm (UK time.... which is in about 1 hour).... I am live on ICHI RAdioYou can tune in by checking out...ICHI PROMOTIONSfollowed by Node and scratch master Reptile from 9pm with dark dirty hip hop winamp - radio.ichipromotions.com/stream.plswindows media player - radio.ichipromotions.com/stream.asxrealplayer - radio.ichipromotions.com/stream.ramchatroom - www.ichipromotions.com/cgi-bin/chat/chat.cgi